Friday, April 06, 2007

Sourcefire releases Daemonlogger open source tool

Sourcefire, the security firm that oversees the open source intrusion-detection system software, Snort, is making available another open source tool for network traffic logging.

The tool, called Daemonlogger (, is a packet sniffer that can passively capture network traffic logs and write them to disk in PCAP format. Sourcefire said Daemonlogger is being licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2, under which anyone may access, modify and redistribute the Daemonlogger source code so that users can share enhancements and new features with other network professionals.

Martin Roesch, CTO of Sourcefire and the originator of Snort IDS, said open source Daemonlogger is intended to be a “handy and easy-to-use tool.” Sourcefire indicated Daemonlogger is offered as an alternative to proprietary products for logging and storing network traffic that are needed to meet with a growing number of regulatory requirements.

By Ellen Messmer

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